Have your business cards just the way you want them. Your card design will have both a front an back design. They will be designed specifically for you inspired by your logo. Your cards can feature the logo on front, with contact and other information on the back; or all your contact information with a thank you note or care instruction not the back.
• This is a printable design that cannot be edited or used as SVG file • Watermarks are for my protection and will not be on your printable file • No Returns , Exchanges, or Refunds for Digital file purchases. If any issues come up PLEASE CONTACT ME. I am human and do make mistakes • I try to represent colors to the best of my ability, but colors may vary slightly from the image shown. Screen resolutions, your paper, inks, and print settings all come into play.
***Please note your business card design will depend on your logo quality and how "workable" it is. If you have any questions prior to purchase please email me at support@crittercupcustoms.com